Monday, June 17, 2024

The Cedar Mountain CANTEEN Bier Garden will host an exhibit of 

Guy's & Cate's ART

Exhibit will run from June 30 to August 15, 2024

Opening Event is Sunday June 30, 1 to 2:30pm

Followed by a Mountain Music Jam, 3 to 5pm
In the Canteen's courtyard, weather permitting, indoor otherwise

Canteen offers over 150 beverages, alcoholic & non-alcoholic. Live music everyday. It's a community rich meeting place. Parking in front and behind building.

Cedar Mountain is in North Carolina, 2 miles from the SC State line, and 5 minutes from Caesars Head State Park. Canteen is on 276, the main road. It's about 30 miles from Greenville and 1 hour + drive.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Hanging out in Cedar Mountain

 It was my good fortune to spend time in Cedar Mountain last Summer (2022). And I can't wait to venture there again in 2023. It is my favorite locale in which to write, draw and paint.

August 2022: Standing on a platform near Connestee Falls, a monarch butterfly flutters by in all its grace. Promising a magical day. And it is: in all its contemplative rocky landscape, its sounds, pungent aromas, clear water, infinity of trees and greens. Grateful for today, grateful I made it up the mountain once more.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

2020 Stevens Art Calendars was the final Calendar

Images were drawn and painted in Colorado, Minnesota and the Carolinas

I began working on a children book. I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Another image included in the 2019 Stevens Art Calendar

View Calendar info below
Stevens 2019 Art Calendar are here!

I worked on this Calendar from Minnesota this time. 

It comes with a short story on the process/inspiration behind each piece.

13 images, 11x14, heavy card stock

$29 with pkg & ship

To order please email

Friday, December 1, 2017

2018 Stevens Art Calendar are here

13 images - 3 classics by Guy
10 by Cate, 2 with poems

8.5x11 images on heavy card stock

Signed Calendar are $26 with packaging & shipping

To order email (you will receive a paypal inv.)
To use other payment method call (864)915-8427